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Was the place where the blood pool on the mountain was located that day what happened the sudden change made jingu startled, and he hurriedly said jin shi also frowned, staring fixedly at.

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Seemed that he had really grown a lot in these years he had a faint feeling that the next time his disciple reappeared, he should no longer be the power of the soul, but the real deity.

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Large scale encirclement and suppression of liulilian xinhuo, the poison spotted black line seemed to feel a sense of unease with the strengthening of xiao yan s strength, the power of.

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Again, said casually, and then glanced into the crater, and he couldn t help but be amazed at this moment, the huge crater is filled with rich colorful energy, which looks extraordinarily.

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Will the consequences be xiao yan shook his head, and said with a smile I have never seen this ancient clan before, why is there such a contradiction, I just want to know some news.

Moment, the tianshan blood pool was already filled with a strange looking red liquid, where xiao yan felt a shockingly strong energy is that the tianshan blood pool looking at the.

Has a soul connection with it, is pleasantly surprised to realize that the strength of the avatar is actually increasing rapidly at an astonishing speed according to this speed, coupled.

Energy in his body was too surging to be concealed he lowered his head and looked at the devil s poison spot on his chest the area of the latter had obviously shrunk a bit seeing this.

The only one who stays here in tianmu mountain by the way, your friend also left after staying here for a while seeing her eagerness before leaving, there must be something going on jingu.

Xiao yan and the others also changed slightly, and they retreated hastily boom the speed of the beam of light was extremely fast, and in just a flash, it fell fiercely into the huge.

Floated lightly above the stone platform out of caution, xiao yan didn t lower his figure, but just stared blankly at yao lao with his eyes closed he could sense yao lao s vitality.

Soul palace, do you really think that your disciple can come here the old man in purple sneered and said what you say now is just a matter of tongue, everything will have results when the.

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The white clothed man like a ghost as for xiao yan, the white clothed man had always been vigilant, so when the thunder sounded, his face changed abruptly, and his body retreated quickly.

Body it looked like he had turned into a sculpture what s the matter with him seeing that xiao yan had remained motionless, jingu s eyes also flashed with surprise, and said, xiao yan has.

Relatively long period of running in when they enter the douzong, before they can truly reach the one star douzong, but now xiao yan skipped this step and successfully reached the one.

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If I can ask senior jin shi about something go ahead jin shi laughed I don t know senior jinshi, but have you ever heard of the ancient clan xiao yan licked his lips and said slowly.

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Battle qi in his body, xiao yan also smiled in his heart, and focused his attention on the poisonous spot again, and then continued to draw out a small amount of poisonous spot poison.

For an unknown number of years, and the accumulated fire poison is naturally extremely terrifying but not fragile green flames lingered around xiao yan s body, and the terrifying.

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Rushed in like lightning the pitch black passage seemed extremely long, but xiao yan, who had experienced it last time, did not appear impatient he carefully gathered his soul power and.

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It takes a short period of time to get used to it before he can absorb the fighting energy from the devil s poison spot again but fortunately, with his current strength, the devil s.

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Someone s strength what kind of ability is it to make the tianshan blood pool into someone else s taboo and let others play with it it s not worth it the man in white sneered regarding.

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Clan little friend xiao yan suddenly brought up the ancient clan, do you have some conflicts with them after a while, jin shi also gradually came to his senses, and said with some.

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The gold eating rats, will never forget this kindness if you need anything in the future, just come to the tianmu mountains to find the old man jin shi bowed solemnly towards xiao yan.

Immediately this fishy smell also contained extremely strong corrosive power, but fortunately, it was protected by a strange fire as soon as these fishy smells appeared, there was a burst.

Is venerable lei, the master of the fenglei pavilion, sitting here even though xiao yan has broken through to the douzong level now, facing a strong man of this level, he still can only.

Yan took out a blank piece of paper from the ring, wrote some medicinal materials on it, and handed it to jin and shi on the side, jin gu quickly took the white paper, glanced at it, and.

Raindrops falling on the leaves, which resounded crisply above the sky, the figure remained motionless when the rain curtain reaches half a foot around his body, it will automatically.

Impossible for him to break through to the dou huang without taking nearly a year hearing this, jin shi also smiled, and said it s just what you need, the old man can t afford such a.

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Another as for nalan yanran, she only stayed in the blood pool for three days, but she had to leave the pool because the energy in her body was saturated, and then she waited for xiao yan.

Absorbing the majestic energy around him, and then using it to temper the meridians, bones, muscles and even cells in his body a dark red blood color covered every inch of xiao yan s.

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