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Body, I will naturally save your life but now I have reached the peak of the late stage of refining the void, and after absorbing the yin qi in this mysterious yin crystal wall, I need to.

His mouth to blow at the treasure debris an amazing scene appeared a golden flame spewed out from the young man s mouth, and in just one roll, two piles of treasure fragments were wrapped.

Of the true spirit ancestors enshrined by their families, and each prayed differently there are even some true spirit families with an even older heritage, and some sacrificial rites that.

Was frozen, and then a flash of inspiration flashed on the surface of the body, and it was frozen into a large piece of five colored ice, quietly suspended in mid air when the ancestor of.

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Flash, revealing lao ai s real body seeing this, the confucian scholar was naturally frightened out of his wits, and before he could think about it, he moved his hands together and then.

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Shiver, as if a strange cold swept across their bodies fortunately, at the next moment, the ancestor of the long family in the air arched his hands and said slowly welcome master wan ling.

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Stature in mid air, but hurriedly checked himself, and finally let out a sigh of relief thank you, fellow daoist, for your mercy brother han has great powers, and I think I m invincible.

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In it, and after a while, they melted into a part of the flame at this moment, the white robed youth took a deep breath, sucked the golden flame back in, and retracted it into his body.

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First hearing this, the ancestor of the long family seemed to have a sinister smile in his eyes, and a golden light flashed on his silent body, then turned into a golden light and escaped.

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