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Last updated 2023-12-14

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Time finally broke out shortly after he left the outer sea on more than a dozen islands in the outer sea, battles broke out between human monks and monsters in this battle, the star.

Material it was made of and the moment the bead was exposed, the surrounding area was immediately filled with thick wood aura after taking a deep breath, han li couldn t help but feel.

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A cup of tea, the boy on the cauldron suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand, and a yellow light shot out han li flicked his sleeve without thinking, and morning yoga for weight loss the yellow light was drawn.

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Li who had been in seclusion for many years suddenly, a silver light flashed on the wall, and a cyan figure emerged from the restraint strangely the phantom flashed, and the person stood.

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Husband and I will complete the work together nangong wan smiled sweetly, her expression extremely soft and charming haha, I hope you can think of what wan er said but these few days, you.

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Need something from my fellow taoist in exchange the boy was also calm and directly raised the conditions oh, if fellow daoist tianlan wants anything, just ask han li felt relieved when.

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Know if this treasure is originally from our sect, but it is absolutely true that this item was delivered to me by the old devil hehuan himself the old man surnamed zhong said with a.

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Suddenly smiled strangely han li was startled when he heard the boy s words, and his eyes flashed, showing a faint puzzled look, not knowing what the other party meant by saying this.

Regarded this woman as his little sister, this han yunzhi seemed to have similar feelings towards han li, and after a few words, he forgot han li s current identity, and started joking.

Out why you recognized her as a righteous sister after you came out originally, I wanted you to accept this girl as a disciple han li put his hands behind his back and shook his head in.

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Moment, then replied honestly yan ruyan, who was beside her, also nodded slightly oh, there are actually two nascent soul cultivators in the yan family judging from this, it should be the.

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The storage bag this time, more than a dozen dharma flags and several dharma discs were sprayed out, each of which was suspended in mid air, flashing auras of different colors han li.

In the yellow shirt saw han li, her black eyes flashed with surprise, and she hurriedly got up and said somewhat at a loss first update as for dong xuan er, who was dressed in white, her.

Worshiping under his sect, and asked her to instruct shi jian to practice for a period of time speaking of which, although tian qin er has the body of a dragon and has practiced.